A 9 day, community leadership programme, run across a 12 month period, the Legacy Leadership Development Programme, developed by Lawrence Green, was offered in the Taranaki community from 2012-2018.
To accelerate the development of community leaders by making the most of your talents, exploring the challenges of leadership, and unlocking opportunities to work collaboratively.
Programme Content
Leading on Purpose
February (2 days)
Being clear about who you are, what you stand for, and how to ensure you ‘walk your talk’.
Learning to Lead
November (2 days)
Keys to accelerating your learning, development and results.
Leading for Change
May (2 days)
The art of change leadership, being a change leader and the psychology of change.
Leadership Integration
November (1 day)
Bringing the learning together, next steps, celebration and graduation.
Leading for Impact
August (2 days)
How to make the most of your talent, leadership energy and the leadership mindset.
MasterMind Sessions
Numerous dates (2 hours per session)
Break-out group sessions to define, refine and support your passionate project.
Passionate Project
Throughout the 12 month programme
A personal or professional project that you are passionate about which you will apply your LLDP learnings to during and after the programme.
More Information
Leadership means being the best you can be in the service of the goals and aspirations of your organisation or community. Being a community leader means taking responsibility, through action, for the well-being, growth and success of your community.
You are likely to be a community leader if you have a formal or informal community leadership role, are an arts leader or a social entrepreneur, are part of a government agency that works closely with the community, have a community facing role in an organisation with a strong commitment to social responsibility; or are part of a commercial organisation that cares about community.
A koha based, one-year across 9 days, community leadership programme, designed to:
1 Accelerate the development of community leaders to have a bigger impact, more easily; and
2 Support the achievement of community outcomes through stronger
cross-organisation collaboration among and beyond programme participants.
Make the most of your talents, handle challenges of leadership and accelerate your results.
Increased ability to unlock the opportunities for working collaboratively, for the greater good.

Greg Kirk
Greg and his business Goggles On! focus on simplifying people management and exploring people leadership, through executive and group coaching. He has nurtured leaders on both sides of the globe as a lawyer, manager and confidant. Greg enjoys creating the space for others to build their confidence.

Lawrence Green
Lawrence is a leadership expert, author, speaker and executive coach with
over 15 years experience in working with leaders, leadership, and the challenges of change. He cares deeply about community and helping community leaders to find practical solutions to the challenges they face.
How Do I Apply?
The Programme completed its final intake with the graduation of the 2018 programme, in November 2018. For more information contact
Greg Kirk
Email : greg@goggleson.co.nz or
Post: The Nook, 4 Smith Road, Merrilands, New Plymouth 4312
Have A Question?
If you have a question or would like further information contact:
Greg Kirk, Taranaki co-ordinator:
Text or call: 021 2727939
Email: greg@goggleson.co.nz

LLDP has allowed me to recognise the barriers that I am putting on myself, peel them back and realise that there are a whole lot of opportunities out there for me that I didn’t think were there before. It helped me realise that in order to be a good leader, you need to have your ducks in a row. It has allowed me to sort out things in my personal life and focus on the bigger picture.
LLDP provided a space for me to self reflect, look back, see where I have come from, where I need to go to and plan for my whanau. Greg and Lawrence each bought their own unique leadership style and personal development experiences and stories which aided my learning and gave the whole experience relevance. LLDP is an awesome forum for personal development and growth. It is worth the investment of your time as the benefits outweigh any time you take off work and other commitments.
Marnie Reinfelds, Ngati Mutunga
Portfolio Manager – Population Health, Taranaki District Health Board (2015)
LLDP allowed the time and space to identify and focus on the passions and dreams that drive change in ourselves and our community.
For me each session allowed new ideas to be tested, fine tuned, or even rejected. As the program progressed I gained knowledge and clarity on the things that matter the most to me and how I can effect the most positive outcomes for me and my whanau. Some ideas were small and simple and others seemed improbable at the beginning but day by day I continue to strive to bring each one to life.
This program is here for us and our community. Our community needs us all to use our passion and vision to create positive change
Glen Skipper, Ngati Tawhirikura
Poutiaki Taonga/Curator Taonga Maori Collection, Puke Ariki (2015)
I have always strictly separated my professional, personal and education life but Legacy Leadership has made me aware of the impact that these areas have on each other and provided me with some tools to step back and take stock. The need for balance was apparent – you can’t separate them. The cumulative effect of the LLDP exceeded my expectations. It provided me with the space to investigate what leadership was, define it and realise that it is often misinterpreted – leadership is more than just having a title. It will be an eye opener for a lot of managers and was a defining moment for me. Go in with a blank sheet of paper, leave your assumptions about leadership at the door and be open minded about what you are learning, but more importantly, about how you think you can apply it. You don’t have to be in a role of management to attend… you can just be an individual who wants to grow. LLDP expands your thinking on all fronts. It is about enhancing your individuality and how you can expose your individuality to support others. You’ll realise things about yourself that you never knew – both good and bad!
Ali Hamlin-Paenga, General Manager at Summit House Trust, Hawera, Taranaki (2015)
“The Legacy Leadership Development Programme is a rewarding exercise that, rather than focusing on a business model, facilitates learning the complexities of society in order to understand and lead from a place of awareness. LLDP has opened my eyes to my leadership capability with a realisation that I have in the past and am presently demonstrating leadership. Having the opportunity to examine and share personal matters in a safe environment was rewarding. Building strong networks and forming friendships with LLDP participants will bode well professionally and in the community. Combined, LLDP’s value is significant in respect of self-discovery and self-awareness of others to create opportunities and relationships through insightful leadership.”
Kere Ell – Director at New Horizons Aotearoa/ Nga Ara Amuri, New Plymouth (2015)
LLDP has given me an insight of the possibilities to improve my outlook, the drive to pursue other interests and rekindled sleeping achievable aspirations and caused me to examine how I can serve the community better. Professionally, I no longer have tunnel vision, I am more aware of how I achieve things in an effective and efficient manner. I am more confident in roles where I need to lead or have an input. LLDP has given me the vision to empower myself and do a lot of rethinking about where to from here? LLDP provided me with the opportunity to develop new friendships, develop an appreciation of other attendees views and passions and adopt them without discrimination.
Raana Solomon, Kaimahi Hauora, Māori Health Team, Taranaki District Health Board (2015)
I joined the leadership program with the intention of learning skills to apply to my business, but what I got out of it was so much more. I have walked away with life skills that will serve me and can be applied to anything I want to achieve. LLDP is a wonderful personal development program that should be a part of everyone’s education. Greg and Lawrence have done very well with the structure and delivery of the course in a way that suits any learning style. I highly recommend it!
Heidi Taylor, Founder at HEAL (Healthy eating and living) Ltd, New Plymouth (2015)
The 2015 LLDP was a great process for Tanya and I to journey alongside other leaders. It gave us a space to step aside from routine, get on the same page, and focus on what most needs to happen for our business and family life. The groups stories, experiences, and queries all benefitted our understanding of what it means to be in leadership. Thanks to Lawrence and Greg for the coaching.
Jodi Roebuck and Tanya Mercer, Seedkeeper/ Roebuck Farms, Omata, Taranaki (2015)
A challenging and thought provoking programme that I would whole heartedly recommend. Greg is a superb facilitator who encourages attendees to keep exploring and questioning and in so doing achieve awesome results both professionally and personally.
Tracey Christian, General Manager, THE Marketing Company (2016)
Through the learnings, I have gained both personally and professionally. I have been able to identify short and long term objectives, both personally and business wise. Identifying areas of growth and new initiatives, has helped me to determine development within my business. Assisting with planning for requirements, as well as strengthening skills of those within my team – for their development as well as the businesses. I have had the courage and understand the purpose behind implementing two new (somewhat daunting) initiatives and additional services to my business. Personally, I have established purpose and importance – the clarity and confidence this course has given me is outstanding!
Lisa Gilmer, Client Connection (2016)